Hello all my stitchy/bloggy friends! I'm still alive! Trying now to catch something with the recent temperature changes and close quarters at work but still hanging in there. I do have a sincere apology to make as I will not be able to complete the memorial project in time to present to the person in NOv. Due to lots of things, mainly the major one being having to restart the project due to a spill on the original piece, I just will not have time to stitch it. I could rush through it but the meaning behind this piece deserves to have the proper treatment and time dedicated to this project. Therefore, I will unfortunately not have it ready in time. I gravely apologize but do hope that you understand. I will, however, honor my promise of making this piece as I am not a woman whom backs down on her word. As per a suggestion, it might be able to be presented in March. I thank you for your patience and understanding and assure you it will be well worth the wait.
I will continue to stitch on it when I can and display progress pictures. I do have one to show however I am on a break at work, thus unable to display it. Speaking of that break at work, it is now over so I must bid thee adieu. Keep stitching!! Stay warm!
X Stitch X
Hi everyone! So sorry that I haven't been very active on this blog lately but I have been stitching when I have some free time. Several projects in the works. The most important and time consuming is this memorial piece for a fallen soldier. This is what the finished picture will look like. Sadly, I can't post a progress picture yet as it's majority white right now and does not show clearly on the camera. =( But trust me ladies, it will be done and I am working on it! =)
The poem says: Freedom-- Cherish your freedom and guard it with honor and respect for it carries the blood of those who gave it to you.
Hopefully by the weekend I will be out of the white area and can post a picture with some COLOR!!!
Next project is for me and someone special =) Hehe...
It will say, two hearts one soul and will be a bookmark to go into a very special book. =)
So not much, but it's something...more to come....my birthday is friday so i'll have plenty of stitching time then!
Hugs and take care!! Happy Stitchin!
X Stitch X