Stitch's Showcase

Come in and view the lens into Stitch's soul. Take what you will but remember that this photograph is a true original.

Howdy do! Tis Sunday...and I have a quick little finish! YAY! It's just the Smile kit that I got from my friend Nona....did it in a couple of hours. Whoo hoo! I'll show a pic of it later. :) Just be patient my stitchy friends...LOL

Now on to serious matters, it necessary that I step away from the net for a few days to deal with an unexpected family emergency. (Seems like a common theme as of late for us stitchy bloggers)..anyhoo..if you wish to email me..please do so...and I will answer upon my return. I'm expecting to only be gone for a few days however I thought I'd give you all a notice so that you don't worry about me. :)

I'm bringing my stitchy stuff so maybe I'll have some more updates when I put up the pic of my Smile kit...YAY! Oh..I'll also answer Christine's Meme..when I get I read it on her blog and she said if you do that..then you've been tagged! LOL Sneaky..Christine!

Anyhoo...I'm off. I'll miss you all! Be back soon! *HUGS*

Happy Stitchin!

X Stitch X


We all know family comes first and take your time. We'll still be here when you come back. :)

Yes, we all understand about family emergencies!! Take care and we'll "see" you soon. :D

Hope everything will turn out OK! Looking forward to your return!
Take care!