Stitch's Showcase

Come in and view the lens into Stitch's soul. Take what you will but remember that this photograph is a true original.

Howdy do everyone! It's now April..can you believe it??? Pretty soon it will be summertime! EEK!! Where does the time go?? Remember how it seemed to take FOREVER to get to the weekend when you where in school?? LOL Anyhoo, not much done on the stitching front today. :( I did manage to get some batteries for the camera so tomorrow's project will be picture taking, organizing, pricing all this stash I have lying around. LOL No worries I"m not selling all of it...just the part that I look at now and go what in the world was I thinking?? LOL

I joined a new group today....I got the link from Karen'sBlog. Thanks Karen!! I decided to check it out..and now I'm not only will you be getting Stitcher's Blogging'll be getting Booking Through Thursday questions now too. As if you don't already know a ton about me....I felt you needed more. LOL

So I will answer the questions I still have to think about my answers and narrow it down....LOL

Have a great day all!

X Stitch X