Stitch's Showcase

Come in and view the lens into Stitch's soul. Take what you will but remember that this photograph is a true original.

Howdy do everyone! Sorry I haven't been on much lately...things have been hectic around here! T and I are going away for a few days and won't be back till Thurs or Fri. It's not really a vacation as he's going on a buisness trip and I'm going over to a friends house. But I'll be without the I won't be able to post. However, I am going to be starting Crane Paradise ( aka CP ) while I'm away..and will get in plenty of time stitching..provided my friend's kitty likes the project. He's really good about leaving my stuff alone..unless he doesn't like the project! LOL Anyhoo, I'll miss you all and I'll be back soon!!!


I'll have PLENTY of pics to show off too!!! As I'm taking Binky Squares and Happy Everything...( aka HE ) with me as well. Plus the Chinese bookmarks. SO I'll have plenty to choose from!

Happy STitchin!!

X Stitch X


Have a great time Ash! I can't wait to see what you've been stitching! :)

I'm looking forward to seeing what you're stitching: without the web, I guess you'll be able to stitch more!!!
Thanks for your kind words and encouragements!
Lots of hugs!

Hiya Ash!!
Hope you have had a Good time:o)

I'm Blog Tagging you!! You have to answer some questions in your blog! You can see the questions in my blog....

Have fun
Jackie x