Stitch's Showcase

Come in and view the lens into Stitch's soul. Take what you will but remember that this photograph is a true original.

da da de dum good to me...! Sorry random..had that song stuck in my head! LOL Howdy do blogging world! Hope everyone had a good weekend and a Happy Mother's day! We had a quiet weekend spent just lounging around and stitching or reading. It was nice. :) Anyhoo, today was errand day so I'm pretty tired but I wanted to share with you a new blog I found...well it came from my friend SnowPrincipessa. She always has such great little fun things to do and today is no exception. She has put a link to this blog: MondayMadness. Hehe..can't tell I like questionnaires can you?? Anyhoo, enjoy!

Here is today's entry:

Fill in the blanks...

1. If I could change ONE thing from this past weekend, it would be ________.
2. One of my favoriet recipes includes ________.
3. If things don't go as originally planned, I tend to ________.
4. My daily routine is very ________.
5. The one television show I will probably miss, since the season is coming to an end, is ________.
6. I have a calendar hanging/sitting on my ________.
7. I'm really ________ about changing the calendar when the day/month changes.

My Answers:

1. that I got more laundry done.
2. peanut butter
3. go with the flow
4. unplanned
5. Boston Legal
6. on top of my refridgerator
7. diligent! If you read have been tagged to do this questionnaire as well!

Have a great day!

Happy STitchin!!

X Stitch X


I did my first MM this week as well. I can only wish that I would get the laudry finished... It's an uphill battle...

Anonymous said... 1:43 AM  

Oh yes! I'm famous! *LOL*

Memeitis is dreadful disease, isn't it? ;)

Welcome to Monday Madness, Stitch! I hope to see you back next week and am looking forward to visiting your blog regularly! Have a great week and thanks again! =)


Anonymous said... 5:16 PM  

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.