Stitch's Showcase

Come in and view the lens into Stitch's soul. Take what you will but remember that this photograph is a true original.

Howdy do! Well here is the Stitchy Blogger's Question of the week:

How do you balance your stitching time with your other obligations such as work, household chores, etc.?

Hmmm...first off I don't that cancels out that. Secondly, my dust bunnies have become my friends each with their own characteristics and names. Third, my fiancee feels very secure in our relationship enough for me to ignore him every once in a while for stitching. Finally, it's not just stitching time I have...I read....I bead....I paint....I do lots of other things! LOL

Anyhoo...had a great day today! We ventured out to Dayton Farmer's Market...over the mountain. It's a quaint little market full of neat shops and good food! It's run by Mennonites so there is always a bunch of friendly people there! :) We got a couple of things of handmade snack mix...and a new card game called Set. It's a great game to play!! Hehe...

So needless to say, there is no update on Chocolate Moose tonight....let's hope that there will be tomorrow...LOL Just came home..had some hot soup for dinner...and got some packages together....nice and quiet evening!

Have a good one!

Happy Stitchin!!

X Stitch X