Stitch's Showcase

Come in and view the lens into Stitch's soul. Take what you will but remember that this photograph is a true original.

Today was rather interesting from Mother Nature's perspective. Today she granted us the luxury of an ice storm...tho with us being so close to the mountains, it originally started out as snow. The pine trees around our house and bending down as they are weighted with ice. So I took the impending weather as a sign to stay in today and do some much needed " lose end tying ". I finished all the Christmas cards ( had to send a few extras that weren't originally planned. I gathered the gifts together for my friends on Saturday. I still have to wrap them but that's the fun part! LOL Oh I finished TWO ornaments today! YAY! *Happy Dance* Both of these ornies will be given to their owners on Saturday.

I'll post pics up tomorrow..but now I have to get off the computer to finish up some more Christmas stitching....if I don't limit myself on the puter...I'll never get it done. LOL T is helping me by taking the puter away...LOLOLOL He calls it "drastic measures"....but he's only asking me to do what I told him to....keep me away from the puter or I'll not get anything done.

Have a good night all!

Happy Stitchin'

X Stitch X