Stitch's Showcase

Come in and view the lens into Stitch's soul. Take what you will but remember that this photograph is a true original.

Hi everyone in blogging land! Tis Stitch here...hope all is well! :) Nothing much going on the past few days in the world of Stitching. I know...I know..I agreed to participate in the Stitching World Cup and have one progess pic. LOL I won't make my goal that way..blah blah...yeah I hear ya! :P However, I can't stitch every day..or I'll go crazy and get bored. So, I've taken the last few days and read a little, reacquainted myself with the art of writing a letter that doesn't start with blanks for To:BCC:CC. LOL Plus I've been busy with my stash sale...whoo hoo!! :)

Despite my continued plee to the Bad News Sprite..he just REFUSES to leave my friends alone!!! :x I would really hate to have to get southern on his booty..but if he doesnt stop hanging around my friends...I might have to. Believe me, it's a scary sight! LOL So rather than encourage those of you who read my blog to shout expletives at him, I'm going to ask that you pray, sing, shout, dance..whatever you may do for the Good News Fairy to come! I'm sure we all could use some good news! :)

Alright...back to my book. Details on it later...along with progress pics as I HAVE to work on my SWC piece tomorrow!! :)

Happy Stitchin!!

X Stitch X


I'll send good thoughts to your friends, Ash.
Take care!